Young people from across the South Pacific gathered at Watson Park Convention Centre, north of Brisbane, from January 1 to 6, for the World Changers Youth Congress. Among the 1700 congress participants, there were more than 100 young people and leaders from Greater Sydney Conference. During the six-day congress, delegates participated in morning worships, service activities, socials, workshops, and evening worships. “The morning worships were a highlight,” says Marcus Pereira, theology student and congress staff. “It was amazing to see different cultures under one roof, all with a hunger to search God’s Word and begin the day with Him.” The main congress speaker Pastor Sam Leonor, chaplain of La Sierra University, California, challenged the delegates on what it means to be a follower of Jesus.
For Pastor Cheonneth Strickland, Conference Youth Director, the highlight was the march against hunger. Participants marched through Brisbane’s inner city to the Botanic Gardens calling for more action to combat world hunger. The delegates marched under the banner of “Enough is Enough” dressed in a blue shirt and holding placards calling for action. “Delegates experienced a different type of lunch on this day,” says Pastor Cheonneth. “On this day we had a basic lunch of rice and beans to identify with the hungry.” $10,000 was raised for ADRA and a cheque was presented to Jonathan Duffy, president of ADRA International.
The South Pacific Division runs a youth congress every eight years. We hope and pray that each of the delegates has returned to their sphere of influence with the purpose of truly being a world-changer. For those of you that may be interested, the General Conference Youth Congress will be help in South Africa, from July 1 to 13. Contact the youth department for further information.