‘And the Bride Wore White’ together with ‘Warriors Step Up’ are beautiful programs that teach serious messages of moral integrity in creative ways through meaningful illustrative games and activities, group sessions and personal alone time.
Purity in a World Stained with Sexual Pain
The programs also provide practical “how-to” skills for aggressively developing and maintaining purity in a world stained with sexual pain. We believe that the facts and statistics alone around the dangers of sex outside of marriage are not enough to deter young people from resisting, but a strong committed relationship with Jesus Christ is a far more powerful motivating force for purity.
Encouraging a Relationship with Jesus Christ
Throughout the programs the message clearly and strongly encourages young people toward a relationship with Jesus Christ and that their value is found in Him. While dealing with the realities of sexual purity and impurity and the challenges and dangers of casual sex, the program offers hope and healing in the saving grace of Christ to anyone who has already “crossed the line.” The message is that NO ONE is beyond the grace of Christ and forgiveness and the power to overcome are available.
A Life-Changing Program
Attendees responded with feedback that ”The program is life changing;” “I want to now live a life of purity;” “I understand that purity is possible;” “So relieved that I can start again.” This feedback is so encouraging and indicates that the objectives of the programs are being met.