1. SET DATE & VENUE: Find the best day by avoiding clashes with other programs. Also, find a venue that will suit the event.
2. PREPARE THE PROGRAM: Invite a guest speaker, include a “get to know each other activity, share tesimonies, encourage fellowship and most important, keep prayer as the focus.
3. PREPARE THE MENU: Keep it simple; make it healthy and share the load with those around you.
4. ADVERTISE: Send out a ‘Save the Date’ as well as invitations. Place notices in Church bulletins and use email, SMS and Facebook.
5. ADD THE TOUCHES: Make the venue attractive & welcoming; Have meaningful tokens as gifts (not expensive). Acknowledge individuals, birthdays, special occasion, the oldest, etc. Promote the next meeting (have a date set). Encourage continued prayer until the next meeting
-Contributed by Beryl Landers is the Director of Adventist Womens Ministries. Adventist Womens’ Ministries is on Facebook at www.facebook.com/adventistwomen.