executive committee
The Executive Committee was elected at the 2014 Constituency meeting. Per the Constitution of the Greater Sydney Conference, it consists of the President, General Secretary, Chief Financial Officer and 10 elected members, representing both lay people and employees of the Church and its affiliated entities. The Executive Committee acts on behalf of the constituents with all the powers of a constituency meeting between constituency meetings. The Executive Committee meets on a monthly basis.
education board
The Education Committee was elected at the 2014 Constituency meeting. Per the Constitution of the Greater Sydney Conference, it consists of the President, General Secretary, Chief Financial Officer and 8 elected members, representing both lay people and employees of the Church and its affiliated entities. The Education Board acts on behalf of the constituents with all the powers of a constituency meeting between constituency meetings. The Education Board meets on a monthly basis.
Aged Care Committee
The Aged Care Committee was elected at the 2014 Constituency meeting. Per the Constitution of the Greater Sydney Conference, it consists of the President, General Secretary, Chief Financial Officer and 8 elected members, representing both lay people and employees of the Church and its affiliated entities. The Aged Care Committeeacts on behalf of the constituents with all the powers of a constituency meeting between constituency meetings. The Aged Care Committee meets on a monthly basis.
We see a church that is passionate about knowing and experiencing God, both personally and through a lifestyle of church community worship. Our goal is to be a community that grows in its capacity to love God and allows Him to increasingly work in and through us to love people.
Grow in Knowing God: Strategic Initiatives
- Provide resources that cultivate spiritual growth in the areas of our personal, family and church community.
- Equip people to connect with God in a variety of ways, especially through prayer and effective Bible study.
Bible Texts: Colossians 1:28, Ephesians 4:15
Worshipping: Strategic Initiatives
- Promote a wholistic view of worship that sees the entire life as a ‘living sacrifice’, including our time, health, talents and treasure.
- Provide resources for personal, family and church community worship.
Bible Texts: Romans 12:1-2, Psalm 27:6
We see a church that is actively serving in our community and is reaching a growing number of people within Greater Sydney with the eternal gospel. Our goal in evangelism is to develop mature disciples who are making disciples and healthy churches that are planting new churches.
Serving: Strategic Initiatives
- Promote the values of servanthood.
- Equip our members for serving in their sphere of influence.
- Facilitate opportunities for members to be involved in the global mission of our church.
Bible Texts: 1 Corinthians 12:7, Ephesians 4:11-13
Sharing: Strategic Initiatives
- Promote and resource evangelistic values.
- Focus on personal faith sharing.
- Equip and support congregations in their evangelism cycle.
- Develop evangelistic strategies that cultivate cooperation and teamwork within the church.
We see a church where people experience authentic Christian relationships and real Biblical community by being involved in the life and mission of the church.
Connecting: Strategic Initiatives
- Promote the values of and equip our members for growing in loving relationships.
- Develop resources for growing healthy relationships and families.
- Foster healthy church communities who reveal God to the world in their love for one another.
Bible Texts: Hebrews 10:24-25, Ephesians 2:19,
John 13:34-35, John 17:22-23
For More Information
Visit www.adventistmission.org/961-mission-dvd for an overview of the General Conference Reach Up, Reach Out and Reach Across strategy.
- Refer to Steps to Christ p 68-69,
- The Desire of Ages p 189,
- Christ’s Object Lessons p 326,
- Ministry of Healing p 143,
- Acts of the Apostles pp 262, 12.