UPDATE (20 March, 2018): 

Opi has been returned home safely. We are praying now that her mind will settle down and that she will return to the happy, young teenager she was before.

The people concerned with her disappearance have been charged and will hopefully face prosecution. If you have lived in Asia you would know how you could just about get anything if the bribe is big enough.

From Pr John O’Malley: “We are very thankful that so many people took this as a personal request to petition our Father on our behalf. This is a debt we will never be able to repay. Our heartfelt thanks go out to all.”



UPDATE (15 March, 2018): 

OPI Has been found! By the Police, but has yet to be returned to her family. We don’t know any more than this, so all the details yet to be revealed. Thank you for your prayers!

Please continue praying for other children that have been taken from their homes, as well as those that have been lost to Human trafficking. 

Please pray for the release/return/escape of Opi, a beautiful fifteen year old girl who was kidnapped from her home in Bangladesh. She is the niece of Ellen, casual SDA school teacher who attends Hurstville Adventist church here in Sydney. Ellen is the adopted daughter of Pr John and Sue O’Malley.

Many of you will remember Pr John and Sue O’Malley. They ministered in Norfolk Island then Wollongong before retiring on the Gold Coast about three years ago. Their adopted daughter, Ellen, has kept in touch with her birth family in Bangladesh over the years, and, as a result, John and Sue have become extended family members.

Right now, Ellen is in Bangladesh visiting her blood relatives. The night before last, Opi. her fifteen year old niece was kidnapped from her parents’ home in the dead of night as there is no security in the poorer part of the city.

The family are prostrate with grief as there have been four or five similar incidents in that area and the young girls are believed to have been exported for prostitution.

Women have little status in Bangladesh and, as the rule of law is weak it does not auger well for Opi UNLESS OUR MIGHTY GOD INTERVENES TO BRING GLORY TO HIS NAME by rescuing OPi.

Extreme poverty fuels crime in Bangladesh. The same day that Opi was taken, Proshanto, her older brother was stabbed, beaten and robbed while carrying money back to work from the bank. Proshanto became Adventist through Ellen’s influence and later started our nurse training program. He now heads up the Nursing Program at our Adventist University about 50 km’s out of Dhaka the capital. This is called BASC (Bangladesh Adventist College & Seminary). Opi was abducted very close to our other institution KMMS (Kellogg-Mookerjee Memorial School). Her village is called Jalirpur.

Please make this a matter of earnest prayer.

Malcolm Rea