The Church Resource Team met this morning to discuss plans for 2013. The team, made up of the Conference Departmental Leaders, meet regularly to work through shared plans and the coordination between departments impacting the overall strategic plan of the Conference. This morning the team focused on SHARE II planned for 23 February and the Steps to Christ Project.

Following the support and positive feedback received at SHARE in November 2012, the team has began planning for another opportunity for people to come together in a time of worship, fellowship, visioning, and equipping. Be sure to mark 23 February in your calendar as a time to gather with others in preparation and anticipation of Harvest 2013.

The Steps to Christ initiative is something that you will soon be hearing more and more about. Plans are being laid to prepare and implement small group and devotional material using the well-known and much loved book, Steps to Christ. Pastor Brendan Pratt comments, “This is a fantastic book which covers all aspects and stages of discipleship.”

The team is chaired by Garth Bainbridge (Ministerial Secretary) and comprised of Brendan Pratt (Children, Stewardship and Discipleship), Cheonneth Strickland and John Wells (Youth), Malcolm Rea (Health,  ADRA and Prayer), Alex Currie (Family), Daniel Herrera (Communication, Personal Ministries and Sabbath School), and Gilda Dhola-Roddy (Women).