Fox Valley Church in Wahroonga will use Easter Week as an opportunity to reach out to its surrounding community. Letterbox flyers will invite people to join the worshipping community in celebrating Jesus’ death and resurrection for our salvation, starting on the Sunday before Easter (Palm Sunday), with a procession led by a donkey into the Fox Valley Community Centre. The building will be transformed to have a Garden of Gethsemane as a place of private or group prayer, and a Jerusalem street with booths “selling” pottery, cloth and other commodities. You are invited to join the celebration at the following times:
Sunday 24th at 11:00am Palm Sunday Service and Pizza—Day of the Donkey
Thursday 28th at 7:30pm Passover and Passion—Celebration of the Lord’s Supper
Friday 29th at 7:30pm Were you There?—Dramatic Encounters around the Cross
Sabbath 30th at 11:00am Pause for Peace—Christ’s Sabbath Rest
Sunday 31st at 7:30am He is Risen!—Resurrection Breakfast Service
For more information call 0405 137 763