In recent years a group of committed Aussie tradesmen and Year 11 students from Hills Adventist College, Sydney, have helped build infrastructure and resources in six Seventh-day Adventist High Schools in the Solomon Islands.

What has been achieved in those years?

  1. Six new generators have been installed in schools by a team of electricians and helpers.   3.5km of overhead wiring has been hung. New switches, fluorescent holders and lighting has been provided.
  2. Water supplies improved.   Electric and solar motors have been fixed that pump thousands of litres a day from river supplies.   1.6km of pipe has been laid underground to provide water for ablution blocks, houses and facilities.
  3. With the support of Greater Sydney Conference, thirteen containers have been shipped to the Solomon’s containing clothing, generators, building materials including steel, paint, corrugated iron, etc.
  4. Two ablution blocks have been built to improve sanitation, providing showers, flush toilets, hand-washing and clothes washing facilities and places for drying clothes in wet weather.
  5. Hundreds of bags of clothing have been distributed to needy people which has helped open villages and the hearts of people to learn about the three angels messages.
  6. Chapels and meeting places have been renovated with building materials provided by James Hardie.
  7. A cement block and steel library is currently being built and hundreds of books have been distributed to many schools.
  8. A new brick machine is now producing bricks for the library and other buildings.
  9. Gardens have been improved with new varieties of plants.
  10. School desks and tables have been provided for some schools or desks have been repaired.
  11. Buildings have been painted inside and out.
  12. Six happy rooms have been painted by local talent that have transformed classrooms and developed a great school pride.
  13. Healthy relationships have developed between local persons and expatriates.

Plans for 2016. Below are the projects and budget we are working on for next year.

  1. We hope to send 4 containers of gear in 2016 which will cost for shipping etc $50,000. In these containers beside gear for schools we send hundreds of bags of clothing.
  2. 2 Ablution blocks etc for Puzivai, Choiseul.   $37,500
  3. Dining Room and Kitchen, tile chapel and library, complete library for Tenakoga.   $40,000.
  4. Slasher for Kukudu High School – $3,000.
  5. Continuation of Happy Rooms in schools. $2,500
  6. Bekabeka High School – paint and desks. $5,000.

If you are able to donate to these project please give through the Conference who can arrange for tax deductibility through ADRA.

Written by Alex S Currie