Over 50 Children’s Ministry Leaders from around New South Wales recently gathered for a weekend of resourcing, training and networking. The Shaping Children weekend included a variety of workshops, resource reviews and the release of new resources, including Daily Bites – a Bible study resource for parents to journey through with their children.

Friday night was special with Ivy Beckwith sharing two presentations. Ivy, from the USA, is a leading Children’s Ministry thinker and author. Ivy was in Australia for the Inter-Denominational Kidsreach Conference, with Julie Weslake, South Pacific Division Children’s Ministry Director, and Daron Pratt, North New South Wales Children’s Ministry Director, also presenting at Kidsreach.

If you missed out on the weekend and want to make sure you know about next year’s event or if you want to be updated on Children’s Ministry events and ideas throughout our Conference, join the Children’s Ministries Network. Email your contact information to brendanpratt@adventist.org.au