On Sabbath, 15 March, Adventist youth around the world decided to step out of their churches and join together in acts of service by “being the sermon.” Taking the call to be Jesus’ hands and feet literally, they came up with creative ways to reach out to their communities. Using the hashtag #globalyouthday, along with an app and webpage (that can be accessed here) teens, youth and young adults leveraged technology to bridge the distance that separates them. The app and website, along with Facebook and Twitter, allowed people from around the world to observe the acts of kindness their fellow Adventist youth around the world were performing. Making the event even more interactive was the worldwide, live coverage. Via video live streaming, various groups throughout the world shared how youth in their conferences and divisions were being the hands and feet of Jesus. Coverage was handed off from city to city as the time progressed throughout the day. Click here to see coverage in Sydney, which was filmed by Wahroonga TV.
The youth of the Greater Sydney Conference made a great showing by joining with their local youth groups and youth leaders to serve the community. Activities included writing letters to prisoners, visiting aged care centres, handing out care packages and cupcakes, baking for those in need and sharing meals with the shut in.
If you have any special memories of Global Youth Day, share them with us on our Facebook page or send us a tweet on Twitter.