Vision of Sabbath School

From the start, the vision for Sabbath has included four specific objectives:

  1. Bible Study
  2. Fellowship
  3. Community Service & Outreach
  4. Global Mission

When your Sabbath School class is able to implement a strategy that achieves all of these objectives, your group will experience dynamic community and growth.  You will grow personally in your relationship with Jesus as well as seeing observable growth in your church.  How can this happen?  The Sabbath School Department provides training, coaching and resources for these four objectives:

Bible Study

The global Seventh-day Adventist church provides a Bible study guide that is used worldwide.  This study guide covers a sequence of different Bible topics.  As your class interactively works through these study guides in an engaging way, your understanding of the Bible will broaden and your relationship with Jesus will deepen and grow.  Dive on into the Bible with your class!


You can build great friendship with other Seventh-day Adventist Christians by regularly attending a Sabbath School class.  You can take the fellowship opportunities further, by organising Sabbath lunches or picnics together and even build relationships by fun social outings or camps.  The sky is the limit!

Community Outreach & Service

Nothing beats the feeling of doing community work together as a team.  The Sabbath School class provides the perfect opportunity to plan and undertake a community project together, whether this is tidying up the garden of an elderly or physically-challenged or bringing neighbours and friends together to hear the good news about Jesus’ soon return.  Think creatively, think community!

Global Mission

There are many people around the world who have not heard about Jesus and His soon return and made a personal decision to follow Him.  Sabbath School has been committed to share the good news around the world and all of the offering collected at Sabbath School supports the global mission of the Adventist church.  Your Sabbath School class could also think of a particular mission project somewhere else in the world to either support financially or personally through mission trips.

Contact the Director of Sabbath School if you would like to see this vision of Sabbath School become a reality in your church or class.